Thursday, October 10, 2013

ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques

Very good. Very thorough
This tutorial could be somewhat intimidating to new users because of the speed at which Mike Jensen goes (not a complaint). So it would help if you familiarize yourself with the ZBrush UI first. That said, Mike Jensen does go over customizing the UI for this tutorial, which I think is great. Now, he is very very good! He knows ZBrush and knows how to make best use of the brushes and other utilities. His explanations are thorough and easily followed (don't forget, you can pause). I am completely knew to ZBrush and I am NOT having a difficult time following the explanations. As quickly as Mike Jensen goes, he explains each step very well. I plan on viewing the course first (no ZBrush) so I know what to expect when I actually open ZBrush up and follow along. Although, it is a lengthy at course 7.5 hours, I can understand why, as it is a very detailed sculpt, and completely appreciate the time Mike has put into this tutorial. I highly recommend this to anyone, new or advanced...

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