Monday, October 7, 2013

Guerrilla Midwife

Listen to the silence between the words.
Robin Lim speaks loudest when she says nothing at all. Listen carefully to the section regarding GMO rice and the relation to maternal death from hemorrhage. What is not being said? Listen to the silence in the birthing rooms. Listen to her hands. Listen.

one of the most true and pure words you will ever hear. a real eye opener
i gave this documentary 5 stars because of the content. is one of the most fascinating subjects i have ever learned about. as a seeker of the true love and beauty, i felt many of the speakers were like Jesus speaking to my heart. i highly recommend many Christians should learn about the birth process whether expecting a baby or not and ask Jesus to allow us to see with His eyes and renew in us a reverence and trusting return to God's original ways. He does all things well, everything God made is good, created with His love for us in mind. we were made to love and to be loved. please take the time to learn from the beautiful, knowledgeable people in Guerrilla Midwife!!! you will feel His presence.

Sobering but necessary for our survival
Very well made and important film on the importance of birth in a natural environment. The midwife asks: "would you trade your authentic self for technology?" Apparently, many, at least here in the US, have and will continue to and are even unaware that they have.

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