Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You're Under Arrest: Fast & Furious Complete Collection

The Girls are Back in town
These two really know how to take the bad guys down. Fast paced and fun with nitro added. If you love Anima you will fall in love with this series.

Comedic Cop Anime That Is Worth Looking At
If you're a fan of animes like Ranma 1/2 or humorous animes in general here's one worth a peek. The series give us the hilarity of the daily struggles of the Japanese traffic police and how these wacky officers handle those situations, while there is some drama in this series as well as the third season(Full Throttle) it doesn't get into to dark a corner of criminal life. The characters are all highly endearing though some might take offense as one of the characters is a male cross dresser, even though the series comes subbed only the cast played their roles terrifically and I truly hop that if this series gets dubbed that the cast they get do just as great a job. The extras aren't anything new just the usual trailers and textless intro/ending songs. Still a great series has now come out for us fans in the states to add to our anime collection library.

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