Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scooter & Me mind series (3 dvds)

truly fun
these dvds are really fun because they combine story and movement. kids act out everything so it's like active pretend play with the added bonus of self-regulation skills. We should all know how to shift ourselves from frustration to focus, angry to clear-headed and that what kids are learning as they do these stories. It's terrific fun and empowering. My son feels more in control now as the dvds helped be more in tune with his body and what happens and what to do when he does get upset, over-stimulated, etc. Thanks Move with Me!

Great story with movement
my 3.5 year old was really into the stories told in this DVD series. He spent far more time watching these than other yoga DVDs we tried. He'd imitate the movements afterward. I found it enjoyable as well and gave me a good help to reinforce what to do when we feel sad or angry!

School Library Journal Review, May 2011
School Library Journal Review May 2011
Scooter & Me: Heart Series - 3 DVDs for Calm Caring and Confidence
25-30 minutes each with Teacher'' Guide PreS-Gr 2
Move with Me Action Adventures 2010..'
Through story-based exercises, the instructor takes viewers through a warm-up, a story with movement segment, a relaxation exercise, and a skill review wrap-up on each of these DVDs. Viewers follow along with the fun yoga-like moves that perfectly complement the adventure story being told. The instructor and a small group of children giggle and smile their way through the exercises. Children pretend to be different animals and perform various movements as they listen to the tales of a boy and his scooter and the adventures they have together. Designed to encourage physical, cognitive, and emotional development, the program should help children learn how to channel their emotions through flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination exercises. In...

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