Tuesday, October 8, 2013

BASIC HULA - Intensive Hawaiian Instruction for Steps, Hands and Posture

RealHula is the REAL THING!
For anyone who wants to learn authentic hula, has danced and yearns to do it again or lives too far away from a halau (traditional hula studio) the RealHula Series will more than complete you. The instruction is impeccable with added cultural explanations to enhance your personal expression of Aloha.
My heart was so opened by this video experience, and being blessed to live on Oah`u, I tracked down the real RealHula dance studio and joined!!! So you're hearing it from someone who knows...you will cherish this gift of teaching Kumu Kea has given us. In true Hawaiian tradition, it's a legacy you can be proud to share with your entire family.
Once you learn the "Basics", you might want to try the individual dance collection. I suggest "Green Rose Hula" for a first dance.
May Your Blessings Be!

For Teacher and Student
As a teacher of dance, this video will help you help your students improve technique. As a student, it will open your eyes to the true meaning of Hula in a sincere and technically correct way.

We here on the mainland may not have a true view of what this dance from the islands is all about and where its roots are. This basic video will dispell a lot of notions about Hula and shows the real challenging and rewarding aspects of the dance, technical and graceful. It is a winner...I wish I had owned it 20 years ago...

I've had this video series from RealHula for years...love it...have them all! If you are looking for authentic hula, danced in 'ai ha'a style, this is it...and it doesn't get any better than this! The most excellent hula teaching video I have ever seen...and I have seen most all that are out there. Get it...you won't regret it!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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