Friday, October 11, 2013

Gretry: L'Amant Jaloux

Nice music, modest staging
Gretry's comic operas were very popular in France before the revolution. This particular one is quite nice, although not a masterpiece. The music flows easily and there are some very nice arias. The production is modest, even intimate. Quite effective for this opera. The orchestra and the singers look young and they perform beautiful. As long as you don't expect a masterpiece sung and played by the best in the world, this DVD is very enjoyable. Mozart was staying in Paris when this opera was composed. You can hear some Mozart hints here and there. This is the only recording known to me on DVD, which I recommend for those that want to hear and listen to more than the most famous operas. Musically, Gretry reflects the character and the situation with his melodies without exaggerating much. Simple and delicate arias. Worth watching and listening to.

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