Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Relinquish the Mummery of This World

(this review comes from a long-time student of Adi Da, but not a formal member of Adidam)

It is always a joy and fascination to watch Adi Da (in this case a speaking occasion) with his devotees.

On each occasion of this kind, one can experience his incredible transmission and practical radical help.

In speaking, Adi Da addresses the point of view of the questioner, but he also gives practical wisdom (and everything in between).

In this (thus far) unique video he specifically addresses familial obligations, the mummery (empty and absurd rituals) of this world in general and of television in particular, the human haves and havenots, his "race" in which he declares "I am (as I truly am) not white! ", to much applause.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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