Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ultimate Jordan (Four-Disc Deluxe Limited Edition) [Blu-ray]

This BluRay is in Low Definition Picture Quality
When you buy a BluRay, you expect HD Quality, and not VHS Quality.
Unfortunately, the source material used in this BluRay was probably from VHS and so the quality suffers.
The resolution looks worse than DVD quality (appears more blurry than 720x480) even though the technical
specs on the packaging says 1080p (1920x1080). This makes sense as the source data is low resolution.
You can re-master VHS a million times and the resolution won't get any higher. As far as content is
concerned, another reviewer correctly stated that this BluRay has less material than the 3-Disc Anniversary
Edition DVD. The only reason to buy this is if you can no longer find the DVD version.

VHS Quality
There was a time in my life where I would watch Come Fly With Me almost daily.
I remember all the moves, the dialog, etc. I tried doing all the moves in the playground right after watching the movie.

Needless to say i was so psyched to hear about this collection coming to Bluray.

I preordered it as soon as I could.

I was a bit disappointed that they would release something like this. There was no improvement from the DVD version. There were even times where you'd see some pixelation on the movies. Very disappointing. It's like watching youtube sometimes. Was the source material really that bad that they couldn't improve on it any more?

Michael Jordan (Deluxe Limited Edition) Blu-ray Review
Well, let me begin by stating all the good about this compilation. The good is that if you are a Jordan fan, like obviously I am, then you are considering purchasing the most comprehensive collection of Jordan moments EVER, and at a very fair to affordable price. I have been a Jordan fan for pretty much all of my life. Now in my latter 20's these moments still bring a childlike exuberance for my childhood hero, this legendary athlete. Furthermore, to those fans of "the game" of basketball who will be witnessing MJ for the first time you are especially in for a real treat! Not only is "Air Jordan's" most spectacular moments brought back to life in this collection, the moments have been restored in high definition blu-ray quality. Really! We all know about the hype of movies and sports on blu-ray discs, but these moments actually look better SO MUCH BETTER than when they actually took place. Also, all of you long time fans can finally stop worrying so much about trying to preserve your...

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