Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Shelter of God's Promises DVD-Based Bible Study

Excellent series on God's promises
We are finishing up the 10-week series and I would highly recommend it to any women's group wanting to go deeper in their understanding of God's promises. This study started in response to going through difficult times and has been of great encouragement and a blessing as our group has walked through this together. The DVD had us laughing and crying; and smiling again as we learned how God has the answer, again and again, and this was so encouraging.

The participants guide has additional material that can be done through the week, to go deeper in your study. The questions for discussion were so popular it was a hard to end each lesson and end for the night. And I was blessed by how much this helped old and recent hurts and the healing that happened. Already I'm being asked when Sheila's next series is. The response to this study has been wonderful.

God's promises are not broken
One of the things that really struck me about this book was how Sheila was able to present each of the promises in such a way that I could see how they fit in perfectly with my life. This helped to reminded me that no matter what, God has made certain promises that are shared with us through the Bible. And unlike humans, God does not break his promises.

Sheila Walsh shares these promises through stories and Bible references in a way that will change the way you look at life.

This is a must watch for everyone one.

There is also a book that can be purchased separately. I love the fact that she includes a Bible study with the book. That way you can learn through using your own personal Bible how these promises can be linked to your life.

In conjunction with the Wakela's World Disclosure Statement, I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation has been received. My statements are an honest account of my experience with...

Good Bible Study Material
I received " The Shelter of God's Promises: DVD Based Bible Study " by Sheila Walsh in e-galley format from Thomas Nelson Publishing through NetGalley for review purposes. (Note: I did not receive the DVD for review, just the participant's guide.)

This bible study package includes a participant's guide, leader's guide and other materials, making this a wonderful way to host a home bible study at a reasonable price. Walsh discusses God's Promises to us. God promised us: Jesus, Provision, Peace, Confidence, Love, Grace, Hope, Strength, More and Home. Sheila Walsh presents God's Promises to you in a way that leaves you with peace. Through a home group setting participants are able to bring their own experiences to share with other group members and together all can share in the realization that God's promises are faithful. I enjoyed this study. I recommend this bible study to any church or home bible study group.

I received a copy of this title for review...

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