Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny Premium Box

Premium box set?? Not really
I originally bought the 3 discs in this set individually. Then the so called premium box set arrived on the scene, so I decided to get it to go along with the initial series, which i have in the nice box.

Well, the "premium box" set is a single sized regular plastic DVD case with 3 discs in it (2 on the left side where inserts would normally go), nothing else at all in the so-called premium box.

Other than that, the discs all worked fine and it's just as silly funny as the first series. Hardly any of Hokafu's mom in this series though, and that's too bad, because she could melt the ice caps!

Now i'm waiting on the 3rd year to come out - looks like aug will be the time frame for the first disc. I'll forgo waiting on any more "premium box sets" for this title.

In the end, the anime 5, the non-premium box 3 so it gets a 4.

Enter the Dragons
Ikki-Tousen: Dragon Destiny continues the martial arts battles of our reincarnated Fighters introduced in the first Ikki-Tousen series. This set features the three discs as originally issued in one collection which, unlike some other recent sets, preserves them in their complete format including all the "extras". ( In addition to the 12 featured episodes in this series there are also an additional 6 "mini-episode" OAV's that are NOTHING but fanservice. ) The only negative about the set is the essential flimsiness of the cheap and brittle so-called "premium box"; mine arrived cracked though the package showed no obvious signs of abuse.

I've read negative reviews of this particular season, mainly because it jumps right into action taking up exactly where its predecessor left off. This is unfortunately a valid criticism - if you have no prior warning or experience of what this is or is about, you probably won't like it because none of it will make any sense. In a...

I miss Hakufu and the original voice actors and a bunch of other stuff.
I miss Hakufu, and the original voice actors, and a bunch of other stuff. Dragon Destiny focuses mainly on Kanu and her friends. I admit that I do like Kanu, but the star of Ikki Tousen is supposed to be Hakufu. Although Kanu is hot and intensely loyal, she is way too serious, and a little too depressing of a chick to be the main character. Hakufu plays a small part in this series. She shows up in the end to stomp the bad guy and thats about it. On top that all the voice actors were different. Some of the voice actors didnt really capture the characters personalities very well. I like Dragon Destiny, but it lacks a whole lot of things that made the original better. If you like Ikki Tousen you may want to give it a shot. You may like it. But ye be warned its got a completely different feel.

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