Sunday, September 29, 2013

Verdi: La Forza del Destino- La Scala 1978

A Dream "La Forza"
Here is Verdi's LA FORZA DEL DESTINO with a dream cast, all functioning at the pinnacle of their art. The three BIG C's: Caballe, Carreras and Cappuccilli. For those of us who were able to hear them sing live in various theatres around the world, this performance will kindle glorious memories, and this DVD documents one of the GREATEST performances of a Verdi Opera on disc. For me, top vocal honors go to Mr. Carreras. He is a young, very handsome Don Alvaro, and in magnificent vocal estate, never tiring during the long evening, the top notes have such ping and thrust. Cappuccilli was, at the time, Italy's greatest Verdi baritone, and it is easy to hear why. His voice has such glorious power, and he fearlessly attacks the top notes. He is, as always, a model of Verdi style.
Caballe too shows us all about great Verdi singing, from ethereal pianissimo to full-throated vocalism. For fans of these three GREAT singers, you will feel as if you are in heaven. A great supporting...

At last !
Amazing !
I've been waiting long long years for this to be issued and remastered on DVD.
At last ! And such great work they did: nice video and great live sound.
Carreras is Heaven. I also respect Corelli and his devoted fans, but Jose's phrasing, velvety lyric voice and looks made him the ideal cast for this luscious 1978 La Scala production. Caballe, Cappuccilli, Ghiaurov are all in top form and great great vocal personalities, but the young , at that time 32yo spaniard tenor simply steals the show and drives the audience crazy. Watch and see for yourself.

Ultimate, Definitively Forceful Forza
It is very hard indeed to get another Forza of this magnitude. Because it is an almost unreal combination of the greatest singers, a very great conductor, and an excellent director, who did an exquisite job bringing forth the characters and creating the overall movement (yes, black and white and filmed with the 1958 technology, but that does not matter, once you get to hear it.)

Renata Tebaldi sings absolutely splendidly, technically and in point of interpretation. All her three arias are sung with wonderful technique based on amazing breath control, to which one must add the beautiful scene of the ceremony (beginning with Padre Guardiano's "Il santo nome di Dio"), when her piano really sounds like that of an "angelo santo" (holy angel). Not only that she creates the character with her voice, but she also does so by acting. A very elegant stage presence, moving gracefully, with round, stylish gestures, which go perfectly with her singing. Note that at first she is an...

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