Monday, September 30, 2013

Nasty Jazz

Absolute to own!
Well this is one cool visual jazz album. The blend of edgy jazz and spectacular imaging - simply amazing! What a great invention. Instead of looking at your black TV box you can enjoy a vibrant visual art. I want every music record to have this kind of fluid visuals at least as an option. The super slow motion imaging is virtually undetectable creating an ambient environment.

Creates a memorable experience
Nasty Jazz is a truly unique artwork, combining the talents of several Chicago-based artists and musicians. The technology behind the imaging is stellar, but the practical application of transforming your television screens into moving works of art is compelling - screens that would otherwise distract with muted channels, or shout blasts of color and light, or stare blankly back at the room with a vacuous demeanor. Nasty Jazz provides a remarkable experience perfect for entertaining at home.

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