Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Message From the East

Otherwise unheard of...
It is rather remarkable that a film like this has taken as long as it has to come to fruition surrounding one of the Muslim world's most popular thinkers. Otherwise unheard of in large parts of Europe and in North America, Muhammad Iqbal was one of the most influential figures of his time, not just in the subcontinent but throughout the Ulama. As a Muslim, it is important that the message of this brilliant man be kept alive and shared with those who have not yet been introduced to him. While the film doesn't go into great detail about all of his poetic works (there are many) it does do a good job of setting the stage and giving a context for why this poet and his ideas were so important. If you haven't heard of Iqbal, simply google: Muhammad Iqbal and begin to read some of his poetry, or else give watching this film a shot. It's very beautifully shot.

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