Sunday, September 29, 2013

D. Gray-Man: Season Two

A Great Anime on Hiatus
When I first watched this series, I did not give it much credit. I was not very fond of the story because I tend to avoid animes with dark plots such as this, and to be honest, I found it to be very boring at first. I am only now realizing after watching the entire series and going back and watching the first and second season a second time that this anime was uniquely setting up for a story that would end up blowing my mind in a way I never expected.

This is a truly great series, and thanks to the manga, I have fallen in love with it. I definitely have a much higher opinion of season two now that I have seen what is to come in the future of this anime series. It tears me apart to know that this series is not selling well enough for season three to be released because that's precisely where the show really gets amazing and shines true with more up-scaled battles and greatly improved character interactions, especially between Allen and Leenalee, that will move you in a way...

Amazing Series
When I first saw the first season, I was hooked. Great voice and Characters. Love how they made this like a RPG game. Level up while getting more characters to fight evil. Love it. I cant wait season 3 comes out or gets made. I will wait til it comes out to buy it.If you want to see season 3 in English subtitle. Go to and type in d Gray man 52. 52 is right after set sail to the east called Raid next episode. If you have real player. you can download them onto real player and once there on your computer you can make them into movies. real player will download them into mp4 format. I took 52-103 season 3 and put them on my HTC Evo and Ps3 to watch them.

Looks great but...
I got my copy of Season 2 early (from a different distributor) so this is a review of the actual product. I have a small nit to pick with the packaging. The spine of Season 1 has the title in the same red gothic that is on the front and back but Season 2 has just plain grey text (it can be seen in the product pic here on Amazon). Thus, it doesn't look like a matched set on the shelf when only the spines show. There are no extras to speak of (textless songs and trailers) on either set. It looks wonderful in HD and sounds great. The second season is darker than the first with less comedy but that would be expected since the conflict picks up quite a bit. There are a few too many recaps of character backstories, even those who are only introduced in the second season, but it is good to know more about the characters because they are likable. Season 2 ends at a stopping point but you should be aware that there are 2 more seasons that have hit licensing snags and are not available so...

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