Friday, September 27, 2013

Into The Heart Of Shiva / Varanasi, India

Random pictures with guitar music, thats it....
I rented this movie thinking that it would provide some insight into Varanasi, one of India's holy cities. Unfortunately all this video amounts to is what appears to be random scenes and clips of people the city and the river, to a background of guitar (not even indian) music. There is no introduction, no narrative and the viewer is left to guess about what is being shown, what is taking place there and the possible significance. The best analogy would be watching a screen saver of indian scenes to guitar music.

Great music! Great Cinematography!
This movie is not a typical documentary. There's no narrative, but that's ok, the music and cinematography is awesome! It's beautiful! It flows! If you're looking for a history lesson you might want to find something else. If you're looking for something that gives you a look of Varanasi just the way it is, without commentary, you'll love it!

I've been to Varanasi and this gets across what its like to be there. I felt like I was transported back to Varanasi.

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