Saturday, October 5, 2013

In Search of the Constitution

More facts were gleaned from this DVD set than was learned about the constitution over my 17 years of formal schooling. Bill Moyers was a master at interview and digs deep into the minds of scholars, politicians, justices, and citizens to find the story of the constitution's worth on the 200th anniversary, 1987. James Madison is considered by most to be the primary writer of the Constitution. 11 episodes enlighten and teach about how the Constitution is working for modern America. This set is historic footage in the light of 21st century Supreme Court decisions as well as the documentation of thoughts of past Justices now retired and/or deceased.

Episodes are approximately 60 minutes each.
SUBTITLES are provided.
1 IN THE BEGINNING-Three historians share that democracy was limited at the Constitutional Convention. Politics, like today, ruled at the start. Secrecy was essential. Sovereignty and slavery were issues.

2 MR. JUSTICE BLACKMUN-(1908-1999) the...

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